Omaha Health & Wellness 2013
Stop by and see us at this weekends 2013 Omaha Health Expo. Ask questions, get anwers and see just how A Plus Hypnosis can help make your healthy "wishes" realities. And remember, if you're a smoker, bring our current coupon with you and make an appointment to kick that habit for good! See you this weekend.
April 13th & 14th 2013 marks the 6th Annual Premier Health, Wellness & Fitness Event that kicks off Spring Season.
The Omaha Health, Wellness, & Fitness Expo – The Mind, Body, & Spirit Fair held at the CenturyLink Center Omaha, April 13 & 14, 2013. Again, Thousands attendedthe 2012 Expo which had over 275 Exhibitors and 50 Seminars in 4 seminar rooms,a Keynote Stage, a Movie Room and 3 Lounges with live music.
The 2013 Omaha Health Expo is the largest health fair pertaining to wellness, fitness, the mind, body, and spirit in the Midwest. Find out new ways to attain soundness of mind and body, learn how to live longer, better, and happier, check out new ideas to improve your lifestyle and sense of well being. Learn the benefits of being healthy, being pain free or reducing your pain levels. Find out what’s new in alternative medicine, nutrition, organic foods, being GREEN and so much more!
Bob Mancuso, Jr., Director of the Omaha Health Expo, said, “The Omaha Health Expo is a unique community event that represents a multi-dimenional, complimentary view of health and wellness. The expo will have seminars on various topics both days. As an interactive event, each attendee will have the opportunity to speak with each vendor – many experts in their fields.”
“This is really an exciting opportunity for the Omaha area to host this health and wellness event,” said Michael Braunstein, publisher of Heartland Healing Magazine.