Put me in Coach, I’m ready to play! 

Just as the best of players need guidance from an expert to help them in the journey to be the best athlete, sometimes people need a coach for things like bettering their health to achieve their “ Healthy Heisman Trophy” or “Slimmer Super Bowl Victory!”

We can help you to identify what you need to do to accomplish your goals, to get you into action in taking some little manageable steps each week, and to hold you accountable for moving forward to improve your life.

Just looking at this study. You can see that coaching helped people 99% of the time.

A+Hypnosis adheres to a form of coaching that honors the client as the expert in his/her personal and /or professional life and believes that every client is creative, resourceful and whole.

Standing on this foundation, the coach’s responsibility is to:

1      Discover, clarify, and align with what the client wants to achieve

2      Focus on your desired end result.

3      Allow you to choose your results (by removing your resistances and barriers).

4      Take inspired action.

5      Relieve stress and relax easily.

6      Elicit client-generated solutions and strategies

7      Hold the client as responsible and accountable

We at A+Hypnosis believe our role is to help you to identify what you need to do to accomplish your goals, to get you into action in taking some little manageable steps each week, and to hold you accountable for moving forward.

So how about you?  Are you ready to spike the ball ?  Let us coach you to healthy and happy in 2013.  Before you know it your weight loss goals will be met and you’ll be doing your own endzone dance!

Diane Rohlfs recently became a certified health coach with training from Dr. Eric Berg, Author of The 7 Principles of Fat Burning.  His program and techniques may be one method for discovering why you have have had trouble losing weight.  Try this Quiz first, to help determine what your problem areas may be, and how we then can help you address those with our coaching.  Call us today, and get started now!

A+ Hypnosis Wellness Center

  11711 Arbor St. – Suite 215

  Omaha, Nebraska  68144



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