Handling stress in day to day living is a considerable challenge for most people. How one handles or doesn’t handle stress can mean the difference between health and illness, as stress contributes a great deal to our bodies’ overall health. Over the next week we will be discussing stress using an article that was written by The Mayo Clinic. We feel is covers the topic of stress very thoroughly and we wanted to share it with you.
Sources of stress
Your response to the demands of the world determines your stress level. Take time to consider common stressors and how they may be affecting you.
The kids are screaming, the bills are due and there's a pile of work on your desk that's growing at an absurdly swift pace. It's undeniable — life often seems full of stress. But understanding the types and sources of stress — big and small, short-term and long-term, internal and external — is an important part of stress management. So where does your stress come from?
Two main types of stress
Stress is your body's reaction to the demands of the world, and stressors are events or conditions in your surroundings that may trigger stress. Two main types of stress you face are:
Acute stress. Also known as the fight-or-flight response, acute stress is your body's immediate reaction to a significant threat, challenge or scare. The acute-stress response is immediate, it's intense, and in certain circumstances, it can be thrilling. Examples of stressors that may cause an acute-stress response are a job interview, a fender bender or an exhilarating ski run.
Chronic stress. This results from long-term exposure to acute stress. The chronic-stress response is much more subtle than is the acute-stress response, but the effects may be longer lasting and more problematic. The stressors that may lead to chronic stress are the nagging, day-to-day life situations that often seem unrelenting. This includes relationship problems, work difficulties and financial woes.
Effective stress management involves identifying and managing both acute and chronic stress.
Wednesday we will discuss symptoms of stress, help you identify your particular stressors, and discuss some of the ways people manage their stress levels.
Hypnosis is one form of treatment that can help you handle chronic stress, as well as manage your reactions to acute stress. By helping you deal with acute stress in effective ways, chronic stress is reduced considerably, and that leads to a healthier YOU!
Call us today and we can help you manage your stress levels beginning NOW!
Wouldn’t that be a welcome relief?